Watch out for Scottish MINI in 2010


If you are around in Edinburgh at Hogmanay 09/10 then chances are that you will see a MINI dressed as a Highland Cow driving about the streets of Edinburgh. To promote Peter Vardy’s status as the Number one for used MINIs in Scotland Whitespace has created Scottish MINI – a loveable city MINI that has never seen the beautiful Scottish scenery so has decided to travel around Scotland and meet the population. The car was created by Inchmere Design who were the team behind the Innocent Smoothie grass Vans.

Checking out what it’s up to at:

Highland coo times two


Enter the truly mind blowing, bizarre world of – a flash heavy (well, super heavy) site that offers a rich cinematic experience that pretty much sums up Jim Carrey in a couple of clicks. The whole website is made up of a montage of expertly crafted scenes from his movies. Everything has been covered here from Ace Ventura to The Cable Guy to A Series of Unfortunate events and each section is a montage. I know some will balk at the Flash rich site but when you come to look at Jim Carrey’s own website you want something a little bit different. If you want a detailed history of his carer and movie roles then get to IMDB. If you want to experience Jim Carrey, the movie star, then come here. If there is a criticism it’s that the content has been compromised to fit within the Flash scenes but all is forgiven once you click from one section to another and experience one of the roller coaster transitions.

im Carrey - The Eye

Favourite design blogs: cpluv

animation, Architecture, Blogroll, Books, Branding, Design, film, Flash Design, Fun, Illustration, Inspiration, Online, Photography, social media, Sport, typography, Viral, web design

A while back us designers here at Whitespace did a straw poll to discover our favourite design blogs with the intention to write a post about our top 10. Unfortunately there were so many we never did did get a chance to work out the top 10. So instead we are going to post a few of our favourites.

First up is recently revamped ComputerLove, a daily magazine on art, design and creative culture. It’s been around for a while and used to be quite ‘out there’ at times but the new version has become much more relevant to today digital culture. Split up into static, motion and interactive it shows off some amazing pieces of inspiring creativity. The varied nature of topics keeps it fresh. They have also added a search feature which was something lacking in the old version. The new layout is also nice and easy to scan. It’s almost like reading a broadsheet although it is slightly annoying that you can’t view endless pieces of work as per Reform and Revolution. You can also feed in you own blog and social media has been integrated at every opportunity. The new version is still in it’s Beta stages so maybe there will be more improvements to come. Watch this space. Looks good on an iPhone as well.