Make yourself a hero


Hilarious website from Sweden to thank people for paying their TV license (although I’m not sure everyone will be thrilled with the production values of the movie). Yes, you can make yourself a hero. Best to upload a stupid picture of yourself picking your nose or something (now who would do such a thing?) and sit back and watch some very clever video/flash integration thingy (hope I’m not being too technical).


Avatar vs. The Third & The Seventh


After seeing Avatar and being quite blown away by it’s amazing CGI I came across Alex Roman’s The Third & The Seventh. This got me thinking. In true Harry Hill TV Burp style who’d win in a fight? I mean, don’t get me wrong, Pandora is pretty cool but I’m not sure I ever felt like I was fully transported into the world. It felt a little like being in spectacular animation. An amazing animation (especially the glowing forest foliage – wow) but an animation nonetheless. Alex Roman’s abstract piece left me in true awe. And I’ll bet it cost a fraction of the big Hollywood budget.

The Third & The Seventh from Alex Roman on Vimeo.