Stunning digital creative from the kings of the north


It’s just as well Northen Kingdom are from Sweden, the home of IKEA. Handy for picking up a new awards cabinet every other day. One of the many great examples of work is the the Teamgeist. To create a buzz about the new German football team’s strip they create an interactive game. The look and feel of the film used would not look out of place in any Hollywood movie. We could blab on about them but best to let them tell us what they do. It’s quite inspiring:

“Storytelling is our trade. We provide unique interactive communication. Connecting brands with people. Creating emotional bonds and experiences that make people feel, reflect and discuss. We work methodically and are always excited about new ideas. When we work with you, we’re a focused and passionate team. From the wildest concepts to the finest details, passion, perfection and innovation are at the heart of everything we do. If you want to break boundaries with your project, working with us is a good start.”
And please, please, please check out their amazing showreel on Vimeo.

Make yourself a hero


Hilarious website from Sweden to thank people for paying their TV license (although I’m not sure everyone will be thrilled with the production values of the movie). Yes, you can make yourself a hero. Best to upload a stupid picture of yourself picking your nose or something (now who would do such a thing?) and sit back and watch some very clever video/flash integration thingy (hope I’m not being too technical).
